St Paddy's Day... Great Green Etsy Goodies

In honour of St Patrick, an ode to some fantabulous green finds on etsy

Soriamoria's darling booties

Supernova mobile by The Wonderland Studio

Lime rickey vintage dress from Prance and Swagger - don't you just love the hem?

Enchanting mixed media - JellyFish - by Jordan Flamingo

The Bliss bracelet from Beads Story

A green Atomic Dish for some shamrock candy... from Fresh Vintage Design

Look at these adorable gnomes from Sewn Natural!

And finally, the best St Paddy's Day treat award goes to Cupcakes Take the Cake.
a few of these with some lovely irish coffee will do the trick later today :)

here's a great recipe for Guiness cupcakes if you'd like to try some yourself..

Have a great irish-loving day.

til next time...

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