Perhaps because of all the love denim is being shown in the fashion world...

The enormous over-stuffed denim slipcovered couches of the nineties left a bad taste in my mouth,
and I haven't been ready to introduce denim back into interiors since.
Let's step softly..
Here is a more refined sofa looking quite casual in all it's jean glory..
Perfect for a farmhouse..

Upcycling in action - an artsy interior could pull this one off:
I think I'd like to add a layer of 3 taller square pillows across the back..
maybe a contrasting fabric?!
This is well done, a classic square-arm sofa,
with the denim broken up a bit by throw pillows..

Something a bit sleeker more your style?
It's the skinny jean of denim sofas!
How about a smaller piece?
Martha's daybed:
Maybe all anyone really needs is a very rock and roll chair tucked into a corner:

Thanks for reading: The Denim Invasion..Upcycling in action - an artsy interior could pull this one off:
I think I'd like to add a layer of 3 taller square pillows across the back..
maybe a contrasting fabric?!
This is well done, a classic square-arm sofa,
with the denim broken up a bit by throw pillows..
It's accessorized enough to be interesting
but stops before it gets cutesy.
Need indestructible?
This would be a fantastic landing spot for kids:

Something a bit sleeker more your style?
It's the skinny jean of denim sofas!
Martha's daybed:
Maybe all anyone really needs is a very rock and roll chair tucked into a corner:

Isn't that gorgeous? That one I would bring home :)
Would you use denim in your space?
I am thinking about making some "Moroccan" Poufs out of black denim for the family room..
Interested? Find a great tutorial here.
til next time..