Miss N's room: the reveal

If you read monday's post,
you know we've just finished Miss N's room.

This what we started with....

you can read more about that here.

It all began with a brilliant azure box Natasha found while we were out shopping one day.
She decided on a blue and white scheme.
Since she has a very dark grey leather chair, and LARGE tv in there, I suggested hits of black as well.


We (that means I, lol) painted the black walls white -
used Behr paint plus primer in Falling Snow, for the first coat.
It covered incredibly well, but the color was far too warm for a west facing room,
and the range of whites is really limited with this brand (are you listening, Behr?!!).
So, we layered 2 coats of Martha's pure white 
(no tint, straight out of the can - how's that for easy?!!) on top.
That's it, three coats, not too painful after all...

If you are looking for brilliant white walls, this is your paint -
the result was a very bright, slightly clinical space.
We color matched the box into a behr ultra base, as well.
(it's close to Brilliant Sea 520B-6)

This would do for the old cork board we planned to rescue from storage,
the existing mirror she used over her dresser, and a new long wall mirror.

We painted out a wire branch sculpture for an art/jewellry display....

Now, the palette was dynamic, 
but it needed warmth, and no ordinary canary or watermelon would do -
 so enter the fluorescents!

Yup, fluorescents.

Tash's idea :)

She's only this age once, why not let her have a little fun?

We upgraded a vintage dress form, and painted out some frames and canvasses
(I'll post more about the DIY art process tomorrow - SUPER easy)

Would you like to see how it all came together?

the view from the door...

Miss N headquarters - which is NEVER this tidy :)
We added a little zebra to the newly painted bulletin board -
looks like it's painted on, but it's actually a really heavy wrapping paper, shh, don't tell...

Ikea frames - 3 for $5.
With this price point and arrangement,
she can add to this wall whenever she likes.

Rocks and crystals.
It's a fascination, and she finds them EVERYWHERE :)
We corralled the largest and prettiest into lucite trays for display.

The bed.
Dressed with a new duvet and pillows (perfect for a constant "texter").
Framed out with our DIY art and a funny little printout that has sentimental value.

Are you wondering where all the teen "stuff" is?

Well, the dresser holds heaps of bits and bobs...
but what about the umpteen posters?

One is waiting to be hung behind the door...

and the rest live here....

Let's just keep those closed, shall we?!

That's it, the big reveal...

hope you like it, 
Miss N is over the moon, and that will do for me - x

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